FND Conference

Researchers | Clinicians | Patients


Virtual FND Conference

April is World FND Month!

Join us for the first ever Virtual FND Conference live *Monday-Wednesday, April 20-22nd, 2020. The conference is free and open to anyone with an interest in FND. FND researchers, clinicians, and patients will present on a variety of topics from various perspectives and interests. Together, we are committed to improving the lives of those with Functional Neurological Disorder, and as we continue to unifiy as one we will increase our strength and power to create change.

We at FND Hope strive to create learning and awareness opportunities in an effort to achieve our mission to promote awareness, support affected individuals, and advance research for the prevention, treatment and recovery of FND. Together we hope to empower patients to better health. 

*Please check times and dates in your area.  Timezone Converter

This one time registration will allow you to join and re-join our online FND conference throughout the three days.

Day One


“All Reflections Are Light”

FND Portal is a person with FND. He hopes to support the FND community by making the scientific, social, and lived realities of Functional Neurological Disorder accessible to everyone. Check out his blog here.

Slides from FND Portal’s presentation can be found here.


“Bridging Neurologic & Psychiatric Perspectives in FND”

Assistant in Neurology and Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital
Assistant Professor of Neurology, Harvard Medical School

FND Researcher and Clinician


Alison Hayes has been living with FND for about 20 years. She has spent the years since then learning how to manage her symptoms, setting goals that give her a sense of purpose, and striving to live her best possible life. Two years ago, after completing the MoRe treatment program she began her blog Thriving While Disabled to share what she has learned over the years.

Day Two


“Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) For Treatment”
Dr Tim Nicholson is a Clinical Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Psychiatry Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN), King’s College London. He is also an Honorary consultant Neuropsychiatrist at the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust. He runs a specialist multidisciplinary FND clinic which has multidisciplinary options including neurophysiotherapy and neurology input.  Dr Nicholson has worked with FND patients for over 10 years, and is passionate about educating his fellow professionals and the public about FND to improve understanding of this complex and important condition and improving levels of care.


“Tips On Living and Working with FND”

Sara Allen is going on ten years living with FND. She now raises awareness and advocates for FND and individuals who work while chronically ill. Visit Sara’s blog to find tips on managing work and life with FND.

Find her tips and slides here.


Creating a Vision of Hope Relapse Prevention and Recovery”

Maxanne McCormick, a physician assistant in excellent health, was blindsided when suddenly hit by debilitating neurological symptoms in 2000. With no treatment options available, Maxanne developed her own plan to recover her speech and mobility which had been lost to FND.  Maxanne (Max) shares her experience in her blog FND Recovery.

Day Three


“The Body-Mind Connection in the Treatment of Young Adults and Youth with FND” 

Dr. Afra Moenter is the founder and clinical director of the Rocky Mountain Center for Epilepsy in Boulder, CO, focusing on the treatment of epilepsy and FND. Dr. Moenter has 15 years of clinical experience helping individuals diagnosed with functional neurological symptoms become symptom free and recently created an online FND support program.


Young Adult/ Youth Panel

Young Adults, Hailey, Ashlee and Rachael share their lived experiences with managing life with FND. Check out their advocacy:

Hailey at Courageous Us

Ashlee on Instagram @ashleegal


“Health professionals’ secret fears about FND… and what we can do about it.”

Dr Alex Lehn is a Neurologist based in Brisbane. Dr Lehn runs a private practice and also heads the movement disorders service at Princess Alexandra Hospital. A strong propionate for Functional Neurological Disorder, Dr Lehn has worked diligently to educate other health professionals in Australia about FND.