FND Hope was created to unite people diagnosed with functional neurological disorder.

Physical and/or psychological risk factors can cause functional symptoms which include a variety of physical, sensory and cognitive symptoms that have yet to be explained by a recognized disease.

Country-Specific Information

View information about FND Hope in different countries by clicking on each one to the right.

Every Year, X# of People Are Diagnosed With This Disorder.


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Be A Part Of The Change

Help us find the answers by joining our FND scientific patient registry.

We aspire to drive high-quality standards for FND Care across the glove, and together we will search for better treatments through scientific research.

Thank You!

Lorraine Kelly

For your continued support.

Order Today!

‘Mummy’s Strange Brain’ is a children’s book designed with the vision of opening conversations between Children and Adults about symptoms and feelings surrounding Functional Neurological Disorder and Chronic Illness.

**Proceeds from ‘Mummy’s Strange Brain’ are donated to FND Hope International