Managing FND

FND Techniques and Self-Care

Grounding Techniques



Here are some techniques you can try with Non-Epileptic Seizures and Dissociation Episodes. These techniques are like a discipline, you will need patience, practice and perseverance to achieve maximum benefit.  Use one or all of these techniques only when you are feeling well/ok and adapt them to suit your needs.  If you find you’re losing concentration, where your mind is wondering, move on a little quicker to the next step.  Remember these techniques take practice.


  • Carry an item with you which is roughly textured, an emery board, small piece of sandpaper, a child’s small toy, a bracelet, a pine cone something which you can spend time experiencing its shape and texture.
  • Close your eyes (some people find this causes symptoms).
  • Take time to focus on what the item feels like, rubbing it slowly, feeling around the edges.
  • Place it in the palm of your hand.
  • Be aware of the sensations on your hand, finger and thumbs.


  • Sit with your feet placed flat and firmly on the floor.  You may be laying down in bed or the sofa, be aware of your body against the bed of the sofa as like the technique of the chair (above).
  • Pick out something in the room.
  • Focus on every detail, moving around the object describing the colors, materials, structure.
  • Use words to describe them to yourself.

By sharing these techniques with carers, family and friends they can help and encourage you to stay focused if you become flustered, panicked or feel overwhelmed.


  • Place the raisin between your finger and thumb.
  • Look at its color, texture lines and ridges.  Hold it up to the light noticing the different colors.
  • Gently squeeze it and release several times, taking time to look closely at it, noticing its shape changing.  Squeeze and roll it between your finger and thumb, think of words that describe the feeling.  Think about how much pressure it would need before it popped.
  • Place the raisin in the centre of your palm.  Take time to think of the feeling of the raisin in the palm of your hand. You may feel almost nothing in the first instance, give this time, really concentrate, focus all you can on the feeling of the raisin in your palm.  Notice the rest of your hand does it feel cooler, hotter, are you aware of any slight breeze or cool air on it.
  • Now squeeze the raisin until it pops, looking at its insides.
  • Hold it under your nose and think of words that describe the smell.
  • Now pop it in your mouth just holding it on your tongue. Does it taste bitter, sweet, horrid, or delightful?  Rub it on the roof of your mouth, notice your saliva increasing and what else is happening in your mouth.  Move it around in your mouth and begin to swallow gently again taking time to notice the taste is changing when it moves to different parts of your mouth.
  • Swallow the raisin noticing it going down the back of your throat also the taste you have in your mouth now that it’s gone.


  • Be aware of which parts of your body are touching/resting against the seat, take your mind through which parts of your upper back are touching be mindful if one side is leaning heavier than the other.  You won’t notice this if you move to fast, time is needed to raise your awareness to its fullest.
  • Move down through your body using the same technique thinking of the lower back, buttock, thighs, calves, etc.


Count backwards from 100 in increments of 3.


Breathing is automatic and directly corresponds to what we are feeling.  Learning how to change breathing patterns is a powerful healing tool.

Pain usually makes us hold our breath (a stress response). Debbie Shapiro, (1996) suggests breathing into the pain. She explains that breathing into the pain, especially deep breathing, enables the muscles to relax and the tension to release. This will help the pain recede.

  • Direct the breath into the area that is hurting, let your breath fill the cells with oxygen and visualise the pain softening and receding with each in breath and visualize releasing the pain with each out breath. Using the breath to keep breathing into and through any resistance. Use your breath to give you courage and fearlessness, it is your friend and always there to help you.

Breathing can be linked with healing affirmations for example “I am ready to let go of this pain” “My body is relaxed and comfortable”.

Choose an affirmation that is meaningful for you and keep it in the present tense for example “I am…” not “I will be…”)


You may have signs or symptoms which tell you a seizure is imminent, however, some have no warning. The first step is to raise your awareness as to what is going on prior to and leading up to seizures.

Look for signs such as:

  • unusual taste or dryness in mouth
  • feeling woozy/lightheaded
  • tingling or pins & needles
  • feeling of being excessively tired need to sleep
  • nausea
  • rise in heart rate
  • pain in chest
  • sweating
  • muscle spasms
  • stuttering
  • confusion
  • feeling like you can’t breathe/suffocating/need for fresh air

These symptoms can be around for seconds, minutes or hours before a seizure.  Everyone’s symptoms vary but by learning to recognize your symptoms you can learn to stave off and even prevent a seizure.  Like the ‘grounding technique’ it is a discipline to be understood and practiced.

Other hints and tips:

If you are out and about, use a public toilet to run your hand and wrist under very cold tap water or ask cafe wait staff for a glass of ice then place your hand in the glass of ice.

Don’t be tempted to bring your hand away too quickly give your brain enough time to come back to where is needs to be. If your hand feels too painful pull your hand out, when it warms up and you still don’t feel right plunge again using the other hand.

If you’re on your own, it’s easier to use an ice pack or bag of peas anything which you can place on your skin.  If using this, be careful to use a thin fabric to prevent the ice pack from sticking to and burning your skin.  You can place your hand on this or you could hold it against your arm, neck or leg.  The technique should work the same but we recommend you try the jug.


EFT or Tapping is a simple and very efficient technique. It can be done with a trained therapist or it can be used as a brilliant self help tool. Some people have found it helpful to reduce or control symptoms.

EFT can be used for pain management in several ways. It can be used to reduce the level of pain being experienced and to lessen the response to any emotional trigger or worry. There are many helpful books available that explain fully the many uses of this amazing technique.

This you tube clip is an excellent EFT example used for every aspect of pain relief. It can be repeated as often as you like or need:


Do not be concerned if some of the aspects he mentions do not fit your situation it is still safe and helpful to go along with his routine. Do not be concerned if you find yourself yawning or sighing a lot through the routine, it’s a good sign. It is a sign that you are letting go and getting your energy moving in a healthy way.


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