


All medication changes should be discussed with your prescribing physician. Medication can be as dangerous coming off as starting them. Always follow instructions and use as prescribed. Be aware of any worsening or new symptoms, which may appear with a change in medication, and discuss with your doctor.


all-free-download.com_12812890Sedative medications in general quite often reduce symptoms from FND (e.g. benzodiazepines, baclofen, opiates), but the downside of these drugs are often very significant. This is particularly the case for pain, a very common accompaniment to FND. Many FND patients are on huge quantities of sedative medications like oral morphine, tramadol, codeine. These drugs do usually dull the pain to some extent, but they rarely reduce it significantly and in the long term the doses of the drugs have to escalate to get the same effect. This in turn leads to more side effects. In people where pain is a major component of symptoms it is often most helpful to direct people toward good quality holistic pain management clinics where medications are used alongside pain specific physiotherapy and cognitive therapy.