Youth And Young Adults

Managing FND

Living An FND Life

Going To College?

Apply for the Lorna Myers PNES Scholarship Application

Caregivers of Youth/Young Adults with FND

“FND is not a product of poor parenting or the fault of the caregiver or the child.” – Dr. Gian Rossi

To read more about being a caregiver of someone with FND visit our Carers/Caregivers Page.

Medical Provider of Youth/Young Adults with FND

For more information on working with FND patients, visit our Medical Professionals Page. 

A Message For Youth And Young Adults With Functional Neurological Disorder

Functional Neurological Disorder is something that happens to you, just like any other medical disorder. This thing, this disconnect between your brain and your body, is not something that has to define you; it does not take away from the full person that you are. It is hard. It can be devastating. It is scary. But there is hope.

– Hailey Hooper-Gray, FND Hope Youth Ambassador

What Is Functional Neurological Disorder?

Written by Dr. Gian Rossi – Pediatric Neurologist, Nemours Children’s Health

A functional neurological disorder (FND) is a medical condition that is a brain network problem. The condition is not faked, it is not “all in your head”, it is not “behavioral.” Though it is not life-threatening in itself, FND is debilitating and it should be taken seriously.

What Can You Expect From An FND Diagnosis?

Your doctor will review any records you have, speak with you about your symptoms and experiences, and perform a physical examination.

FND can present with a variety of symptoms leading to several different tests being ordered by various medical providers. For example:

  • If you have weakness, functional weakness can be diagnosed based on a detailed physical examination.
  • If you have tics or tremors, the tremor may change when tapping two fingers together with one hand. This will result in a change of the  tremor movement in the opposite hand.
  • If you have dissociative attacks or functional seizures, then an electroencephalogram (EEG) will be ordered to capture the event and confirm that it is functional. If you have both epileptic and functional seizures (this is not uncommon!), then your medical provider should help you realize the differences and help you treat them accordingly.

There should be ongoing follow-up with a medical team comfortable in treating functional neurological disorders. Just like any other medical condition, if a patient has a new symptom, careful re-evaluation is needed.

What Is The Goal Of Treatment?

The goal is better management of your functional neurological symptoms. Like someone with migraine headaches as a symptom, you may never be migraine-free, but you can start to avoid certain triggers.   For example, set yourself up for success by sleeping better, hydrating, eating better, exercising, and using prevention techniques at the onset of the migraine. This will result in fewer headache days and more time with loved ones or more time spent doing what they love.

With FND, it begins with listening to your body (and if you’re seeing a medical provider, you or someone who loves you helped you make the first step). Then, with treatment you will be able to read these messages from your body promptly and learn what helps you to stay in control through any episode.

Resources For Youth/Young Adults With FND


FND School Response Pack