Join the Global FND Movement

Patient rights do not change once they receive an FND diagnosis. FND patients have a right to full disclosure when it comes to diagnosis, treatment, and testing. They have a right to choose between conflicting medical opinions. FND patients have a right to not be physically or psychologically harmed during the process of diagnosis and treatment.

How Can You Get Involved?

There are countless ways to get involved with our organization. We invite patients, family and friends to consider how you might show your support. Those diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder unite together to share the hope that they will again one day enjoy the opportunities they did before becoming symptomatic.

Are you FND aware?

The denial of medical care to some is an abstract concept. To others, although it is an unfamiliar phrase, it is a reality they have had the unfortunate opportunity to experience either first hand or through a friend or loved one.

Those suffering from symptoms which are not only often extremely painful but can be debilitating as well, fight for better health.

In the mean time, they are not content to suffer in silence and accept poor treatment from those whom have confused medically unexplained with medically unexplainable. Those diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder unite together to share hope that they will again one day enjoy the opportunities they did before becoming symptomatic.

We Thank the many who provide support and those in the medical community who are providing respectful and ethical care to their patients diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder and any other derivatives.

We invite you to be a part of the FND change!





Be part of our global FND movement!

How Do You Build FND Awareness

Journalist Alan Shaw from the UK’s The Weekly News interviewed Jenn Birtwistle about her life with FND.

One Voice


One voice, my voice. Shook the earth and shifted the continents.


 One idea, my idea. Echoed off the water and rippled through the oceans.


One person, me. Changed the perspective of the world.

One voice. One idea. One person.

I made the change.



My words are powerful.

By: Sarah Holmes