Ways to Donate

We Are Grateful for Your Support

Thank you so much for considering donating to FND Hope UK.

FND Hope UK is managed completely through donations by a group of volunteers who endure FND themselves or care for a loved one.

We give our members a voice. We lend them our ear. We give everyone a place to call their own and a place to feel secure. We give people the courage to keep going and the strength they need to endure each day.

Most of all, though… We give them hope.


Raising awareness and understanding of the general public into the nature, causes, diagnosis, prevent, treatment and recovery of FND through social media, charitable events, medical conference and any other educational means such as leaflets and booklets

Coordinating a voluntary FND patients register to assist doctors in the advancement of new and ongoing research, prevent, treatment and recovery of FND in partnership with the Genetic Alliance.

Working with Medical and Allied Health Professionals to provide a better understanding of FND, improve medical protocols, and promote ethical standards for FND through personal contact, advocacy and training.

Updating our website with current information, research articles, patient stories and much more

[image_frame url=”14913″ action=”open-url” link=”https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=ZET9NF2ZN9CLC&source=url” image_caption=”Donate”]

Donate PayPal

[image_frame url=”14911″ action=”open-url” link=”https://www.justgiving.com/fnd-hope” image_caption=”Donate”]

Donate Just Giving

[image_frame url=”14910″ action=”open-url” link=”https://fndhope.org/about-fnd-hope-3/” image_caption=”Contact us for direct deposit details.”]

Bank Transfer

Please email us to obtain FND Hope UK’s Charity Bank Details – fndhopeuk@fndhope.org

[image_frame url=”14900″ action=”open-url” image_caption=”Cheque Payments Please send to FND Hope UK, 21 Chetwode, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 1QN”]

Cheque Payments

Please send to

FND Hope UK    21 Chetwode  Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX16 1QN


You can also set up a fundraising page via Just Giving or Virgin Money Giving.

Please refer to our Fundraising Page for further information on how you can fundraise

[teaser image=”14912″ style=”alternative” title=”Just Giving” button_title=”Fundraise Here” button_link=”https://www.justgiving.com/fnd-hope” new_tab=”yes”][/teaser]
[teaser image=”14914″ style=”alternative” title=”Virgin Money Giving” button_title=”Fundraise Here” button_link=”https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/charity-web/charity/finalCharityHomepage.action?charityId=1013555″ new_tab=”yes”][/teaser]


Most people now shop online, and we now have an amazing way for you to shop and donate for free using either Easyfundraising or Amazon Smile.

You shop as normal, after signing up and Easyfundraising and Amazon Smile will donate a percentage to FND Hope UK!! Free donations from your shopping.

[teaser image=”14901″ style=”alternative” title=”Easyfundraising” button_title=”Sign-up Here” button_link=”https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/causes/fndhopeuk/” new_tab=”yes”]Sign up through either Facebook or Email

Its 100% free to use

You can raise money for FND Hope UK everytime you shop online

Donations are made through over 3,700 online brands and retailers

You can also download the Donation Reminder and mobile app so that you never forget to collect a free donation for FND Hope UK[/teaser]

[teaser image=”14899″ style=”alternative” title=”Amazon Smile” button_title=”Sign-up Here” button_link=”https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/chpf/homepage/ref=smi_chpf_redirect?ie=UTF8&ein=1173607-0&ref_=smi_ext_ch_1173607-0_cl” new_tab=”yes”]Amazon donates 0.5% of the net purchaseproces (excluding VAT, returns and shipping fees) of eligible purchases to FND Hope UK

AmazonSmile is the same as Amazon you know. Same products, same prices same service

Support FND Hope UK by starting your shopping at smile.amazon.co.uk[/teaser]